Metal Fab & Powder Coating
Phone: (402) 421-9469   Email:


We take great pride in our assembly services at Merge Manufacturing. Our skilled assembly team works effectively and quickly, helping to keep the lead time on your project down.

We strive to implement tools and processes to maximize efficiency. We are constantly evolving and streamlining processes to maximize efficiency. Our lean assembly processes consist of labor-saving flow of materials and floor layout, inspection at the appropriate intervals, and proper attention to detail. Set up for fast change overs and minimal downtime, we are able to assemble and package product more cost effectively by identifying, targeting and innovating the slowest steps.

Our goal is to complete your assemblies on time. Flexible assembly lines and production times allow our assembly team to design and adjust our processes specifically for your product. Before any product goes out the door, our quality control team will inspect and verify that precise specifications are being met throughout the fabrication, powder coating, and assembly processes.

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Merge Manufacturing & Powder Coating - Lincoln and Omaha Area Powder Coating